lunedì, luglio 17, 2006

Newtek rilascia LightWave 9.0

Newtek, ha rilasciato l'attesissimo Lightwave 9.0, il software 3D usato da molti professionisti del settore. Le nuove features sono le seguenti:

Implementation of BSP/KD Tree Algorithm to achieve improved speeds as scene complexity rises.
Complete replacement of the original ray-tracing core.
Improved multi-threading with dynamic segmentation to insure maximum use of available CPUs.
Typical speed improvements at 2.5x over LightWave version 8.5 for today's increasingly ambitious high-polygon count production scenes.

Adaptive Pixel Subdivision:
Adaptive subdivision of a mesh based on distance from camera and visibility.
Choice of Adaptive Sub-division methods - Per Object, Per Polygon and Per Pixel.
Highly optimized mesh, tied to render resolution when using Per Pixel.
Visibly similar to micro-poly displacement.

Added Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces.
Subdivision level can be controlled via numerical values, envelopes, expressions, motion modifiers, textures, procedurals, gradients and more.
Edge Selection.
Edge Weights.
N-gons (polygons greater than 4 sides) for subdivision surface modelling.

Node Editor:
New Shading Models.
Normal Maps from ZBrush 2 Supported.
Branches can be imported and exported.
Math Animation Nodes.
Animated Gradient Node.
Work how you want to work: Layers in Nodes; Nodes in Layers; Layers Only; Nodes Only.
Full support of native controls and envelopes.
Available in Layout and Modeler, and maintains context when switching between the two.
Full SDK Support for third parties to create nodes (including shading models) and for third party renderers to interface with and query nodal shaders.

Advanced Camera Tools:
New rendering technology renders scenes using arbitrary camera lenses and warps. This allows for some fantastic effects, such as:
Camera plane deformations.
Arbitrary projections.
UV map generation.
True orthographic rendering.
Space warp simulations.
Lens distortion duplicating physically accurate real world lenses or non-existent “imaginary” lenses.
360 degree panorama rendering (one camera).

Preview lighting scenarios within the UI
Less need for preview renders
Hardware shading of procedural textures

Il costo del software è di 795 dollari USA, mentre per effettuare l'aggiornamento da una versione precedente il costo è di 395 dollari USA. Per maggiori informazioni si veda questa pagina.